chhaaloo rakhana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. But it is the monochrome painting of the Song and Yuan that would have on the Japanese real fascination 2. But taxpayers can not claim compensation in their favor between their tax debt and a debt that they would have on the state 3. But, just as expensive painting in history Jean-Paul Laurens, this type of work will have on 4. It is no longer a simple demarcation of Hippocrates and Galen, but the original treaty, based on personal observations, patient and meticulous, and is the first that we have on infectious diseases 5. It was understood, with his mother's instinct that I was not what I appeared to be and that I could have on the fate of his youngest son a sovereign influence (Loti, my brother Yves, 1883, p

Given are the examples of hindi word chhaaloo rakhana usage in english sentences. The examples of chhaaloo rakhana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., have on.

Any legal change must carefully look at what results it will have on politics.

The two images depict two different kinds of effects democratic politics can have on social divisions.
These items are claims which the general public, government or banks have on RBI and hence are considered to be the liability of RBI.
What is the nature of this influence? What impact does the presence of others have on our performance? We will discuss two situations : an individual performing an activity alone in the presence of others (social facilitation), and an individual performing an activity along with the others as part of a larger group (social loafing).

संबंधित शब्द छालू रखना के पर्यायवाची छालू रखना के विपरीत शब्द